Saturday, June 7, 2008

Pain free run

Yahoo! Friday's 9 mile run was without any pain in the Achilles or IT. I think my body has finally realized I am too stupid to quit and won't submit to mere mortal pain! Actually the massaging of my calf muscles seems to have helped. Unfortunately it was not the kind of massage Carrie at Tri to Be Funny gets! You have to read this ladies blog, funny, inspiring and insightful. Not often do I finish reading her posts do I not have a smile on my face. Anyway, my massaging is with the use of my beloved Trigger Point, which I swear by, and not at the hands of Jorge (that would be creepy, extremely creepy)!

Back to the run. It was on the treadmill because of a good down pour happening, but it was still good as I had some new tunes to listen to. I clicked off 9 miles in a respectable 1:06 and oddly enough I had to use the digital timer on the DVD player to time myself (see last post). The control panel on the treadmill is pooched and then when I went to use my old running watch, it died before my eyes. So there I was waiting for the clock to strike the next minute and off I went. Obviously I am not going to give you a mile by mile description of this run as it would go something like this . Mile one, stared ahead at the wall, listened to song one on the new Gavin Degraw album. Just insert an ascending number for the mile and the song number and there you have it!

As I write this it is just around 6:00 am on Saturday morning. Why am I up so early! Well it would be this little character:

She hasn't quite figured out the difference between weekdays and weekends!

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:


HA HA!! I don't think you want Jorge's massage...I'm pretty sure most dudes would've been outta there in 10 minutes!! Thanks for the plug. I love your post on Garmins! I have been known to drag my friends along for an additional .07 miles just so my mileage would be even!